India Fest 2024 Booth time slot information

  1. Booths are allocated on a first come first serve basis and IAKC committee decision will be final. A full deposit is required to reserve ahead of time.
  2. Booths can be set up after 8:00 am and should be ready by 11:00 am day of the event
  3. Booth owners will vacate the OPCC Exhibit Hall promptly after end of the event
  4. Booth owners will clean the booth(s) before leaving.
  5. Booth owners understand that they have to comply with all rules as stated by OPCC and City of OP
  6. Booth owners will utilize electrical power as permitted under the guidelines of OPCC. Power per 20 Amp electric Outlet can be requested for $75 up to 5 days prior to event day and $100 after that.
  7. All Food Booth owners will obtain permit from Overland Park, as applicable.